Immunity + News

Omega-3 Supplementation Reprograms the Immune R...
Advances in our understanding of immune-active fats confirm that insufficient intakes of omega-3 fatty acids and deficient endogenous production of their metabolites (including resolvins, protectins, maresins, and lipoxins) can result...

Social Dynamics Guide Gene Expression and Immun...
Complex social interactions have been a cornerstone of human evolution, altering how we respond to stress and immune challenges, the environment, and one other. Our history as hunter/gatherers has much...

Polyphenols Help Maintain Immune Equilibrium
Autoimmune conditions may affect up to 10% of the population, and genetic, lifestyle, epigenetic, and environmental factors dynamically impact risks for autoimmune issues. Autoimmunity involves the inappropriate generation of antibodies...
Polyphenols Help Maintain Immune Equilibrium

A Doctor’s Take on Immuno-Rejuvenation
Let’s get right to it. I’m here to answer your four big questions about our new approach to immune health, something we call Immuno-Rejuvenation. 1. What is it? Immuno-Rejuvenation...
A Doctor’s Take on Immuno-Rejuvenation

Holistic Primary Care: Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat
Here’s a deep dive into Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat — and Dr. Bland’s keen interest in this special plant— courtesy Sally LaMont, ND. Click over to the full article below and...

Dr. Mark Hyman: A Bold New Superfood
Dr. Mark Hyman’s continued interest in our favorite plant is a continued source of joy for us. Here’s Mark taking a close look at the nutrition profile of Himalayan Tartary...
Dr. Mark Hyman: A Bold New Superfood

Innate Immunity May Also Have Immune Memory
The classical view of the immune response is that, in addressing a potential pathogen, the innate system is tasked with immediate yet non-specific host defense, while the adaptive system studies...
Innate Immunity May Also Have Immune Memory

Webinar Replay: Clinical Management of the Slee...
Missed the live event? Need a quick refresher? Here’s the video replay of our latest professional webinar with Dr. Jeff Bland. Dr. Jeff Bland Unplugged #11: Clinical Management of the Sleep-Immune...

Dr. Mark Hyman: The Difference Between Rejuvena...
We're all looking for ways to optimize our immunity these days. The pandemic has us rethinking some of our basic assumptions around immunity, like this concept of "boosting." We have...